I know how to say NO and I exercice my right to free speech.
I like putting my cars in a line : "Vrrrrm, vrrrm!"
When I blow into a napkin, I make noises with my mouth.
I like building lego tours in the bath and listening to the water.
I am a fussy eater but I love chewing pizza, spring rolls, bread and especialy biscuits.
Mummy gave me a hair cut and I stood still while she did it.
On special occassion, Mummy let me watch "Thomas the tank engin"
I love it and do commentaries, it is my favourite.
I love reading books and take them out all in one go.
I turn my stereo off when I am told to.

I am playing with cars
It is time to go to bed
I love listening to the water !

Riding the cowbike